Sunday, May 4


Some posts are locked. I'll add you back if you add me.

Saturday, May 3

Mwehehe. I'm changing to lj! I think I'm gonna take quite a while to get used to it. Isa was helping me think of a new url. Damn funny -.- I wanted something to do with ly. So he came up with quite a number. Easilyhappy, lollyde, ifightwithalyghtsabre, lyghtupignyte, iageslowly, lonelygal, emo_dandelyon, .... & the list goes on. Haha but I thought roarlikealyon was use-able :) So yes!

Roarlikealyon.lj it is! I'm still in the process of figuring lj out though.

Thursday, May 1

Now that it's May, I'm leaving next month............ Dont know whether I should be happy or sad.
I feel like changing to lj so I can lock my posts. But then again if I lock my posts, nobody's gonna read my blog. But whatever it is, I dont want thenext-episode anymore! Ok actually I just wanna keep some people out......

Yay I'm 17 already. Haha picnic under the stars wasnt really a success. #1, it was way too dark, even with the candles -.- #2, I forgot to cut the pizza + bring a big spoon to scoop the pasta and sauce -.- And #3, I really didnt know muslims couldnt eat ham so I happily added it in to the pasta and both pizzas : / SORRY RUDY I felt damn bad la! I didnt really feel like it was my birthday actually. Haha just felt like a kapamon outing where most people turned up! Hahaha but I still had fun la :)

Isa & I went swimming + tanning today & ah ma gaddd. We're BURNTTT. Front back everywhere. I'm in pain. Aloe vera is my only friend :( I'm only gonna post some photos. The rest will be up at the next place I post at!

Some of the food

Melted :(

Waiting for everyone!

Why until now the girls & guys still split? Hahaha.

Yay thanks for the cake :) When they gave it to me nobody was holding on to a camera haha. So this is the only photo I have of it!

Siloso beach resort!

Free hotel breakfast! Haha.
