Thursday, November 30

Bah, okay I know my previous post was shit long. HAHA, bet nobody bothered to read it.

I keep waking up so early in the morning. & then I wont be able to go back to sleep again >:( I think it's cos like, I got used to waking up early in camp. Haha rahhhh, so sad ): I really really miss camp la. Haha! OBM was so much fun (:

Woke up, cabbed down to Sumay's place. We were supposed to have a movie marathon. Kelly was there! Joy came over after a while. Hahaha we were like, webcamming with the whole world la. Getting high, going craaazy. Watched Just Like Heaven & I Not Stupid 2! Hahaha Kelly cried! Then she started laughing like mad. Haha! & Sumay fell asleep. As usual, it was hard trying to wake her up. Haiyo! Hahahaha we threatened to squeeze toothpaste into her ear.

Cabbed down to Queenstown to play pool. After that, cabbed to town to eat HK Cafe's Mango ice! But in the end we didnt even eat la -_- After eating there, I was so full, I swear I wanted to puke. We were like talking about all our camps all the way la. Esp OBM ): Aiyerrr, so sad haha! Yeah, then we took prints :D I havent taken in such a long time la! Click to enlarge! Hahahaha.

Went to the arcade, blah blah, walked around, Wanru came, went to Far East, Kelly left, Wanru ate. Blaaaaaah. Cabbed back to Sumay's place after that. Watched Mean Girls. Haha I was so tired, I fell asleep. My dad came to pick me up. & now I'm home! & I'm tired. Webcamming with Sumay. Haha! & we're on um, how to say, call? Haha we can hear each other. She's listening to Paris Hilton HAHA!

Okaaaaaay, I miss OBM. Byeee!

Wednesday, November 29

I think I'm gonna change the colours of my blogskin

Anw, I feel so sad ): & I feel stupid for missing camp so much. I dont know why but I'm really really really camp sick!! ): Something's wrong with me. I had dinner alone ): There's nobody to talk / sing the Beremban songs & cheers with me while bathing, nobody to eat with me, nobody to do anything with! Cos I'm home alone! Wanted to go out but I fell asleep from 1 till 5.

I dont think I laughed at all today. I teared like, twice though. Once when my dad kinda scolded me & told me to clear my bag, another time when I was thinking about camp. HAHA I felt so stupid. & I still feel stupid. But I cant help it la!! It was such a long camp what. I was already getting used to the place, the people & everything else. Then we had to leave ): Rahh, if only they were all Singaporeans. Then maybe I wouldnt be thissss sad.

Now it's like, there's somebody to wash the dishes + clothes for me. I wouldnt mind doing them myself if it was as fun as when we had to do those stuff ourselves during camp. Mopping & sweeping the floor was hilarious! We totally laughed & made the place even more dirty so we gave up. Oh shucks, so sad ): K the next whole paragraph is for me to, um, I dont know. Dont bother reading it. I think only Honey & Fer would feel something. (You can start reading again after the next paragraph)

I remember the night Honey & I mopped the floor together! & freaked Fer out with our weirdness by following her everywhere while she was sweeping. & the night in the Gym Hall where we laughed at every single thing non stop. & the first time we lauged at Catfish, when he fell asleep while leaning against Racoon's leg! After that night we kept laughing at him & his face & the way he reacts to everything! How he was afraid of the monkey in the jungle, how he burned a hole in his shirt cos he used it to fan the fire! & our reaction the first time we saw him in Racoon's specs! & Fer imitating him playing with his fork & tray. & him being a jellyfish, & wearing his life jacket as an off shoulder. Catfish & his BLUR-ness! Racoon & his gong-ness! How Fer said he looks like nice, kind & humble Racoon who will die a horrible death like a car accident or something. How we love boxing him again & again! His tummy with a million racoons inside. How we would scream when he said he was gonna R me cos I kept shining the torch in his face. Reindeer & his fatherly-ness. How we cant differentiate between his real & fake laughter cos they really sound the SAME! He was the male version of URL for a night. Then after that he was okay (: The talk we had with them on the night of the Land Expedition was nice (: & when we sat in the tent & really had a nice talk with Candice! About Bangladesh, Tatota & her stuff. & when we were secretly listening to Lizard's conversation with others HAHAHA. I'll never forget the Sea Expedition! When we were thinking of what animal each guy looked like! HAHA we totally laughed like MAD. Esp at Racoon! & that smile of his! Oh oh! Mujib & his cheeky vampire look HAHA. Syafri & his snake like everything. He's so cute la! I love Syafri! Uncle uncle uncle. & making fun of that baboon. HAHA! Oh! & when we rehearsed for our performace while bathing. & when we wanted to cry cos we missed home while washing our clothes! We were actually washing our own clothes!! I didnt know how to use the detergent -_- & the 1st time we washed the dishes & everyone just totally gave theirs to us & the few of us took turns to rinse, soap & wash. Till the blue thing was filled with dirty water. So we kicked it down & wanted to get the guys to help us pick it up from the drain but in the end we couldnt find them so I went down instead. & how we're always short of tissue & so scared to pee behind the tree / bush. How we'll panic after we realised we forgot to say "Sorry, excuse me" I drew a cross on the sand. I remember when Amelia & I peed at the beach in the dark, back to back. & we screamed & ran back cos we forgot the jungle law. When Shawn told us about the jungle laws & stuff we were so freaked out. & the night we were so scared cos we forgot to say "Sorry, excuse me". We thought IT was gonna come get us or something. We kept imagining stuff. In the middle of the night when I woke up, I was so scared, I was like, "Amelia, can I hold on to your sleeve" HAHAHA. We felt so dirty we slept with our legs up & arms folded. I woke up with a blue black on my back! Haha! The next morning, I poured water from my bottle over my head cos my hair felt so disgusting after not being able to bathe after kayaking in the sea. EEEW. Haha! & during the Land Expedition. There were SOOOO many mosquitoes everywhere! I woke up and found myself scratching my arms like crazy, my skin was like coming off and stuff. So I said "Anybody has isect repellent?" Fer started moving so I was thought she was helping me get insect repellent. Then suddenly she stopped & I was like, chey, she was just moving in her sleep. The next morning, she said she fell asleep while helping me get it. We laughed so much!! She fell asleep with her hand in her bag. She was so tired but she couldnt find it so she fell asleep. Hahaha! & her expressions are so funny! Oh oh & I remember during the Land Expedition, Honey was so afraid of leeches, she held a packet of salt in her hand HAHA. Then while bending down, I looked at my shoe & there was a leech!! We all screamed & stated panicking but we didnt know what to do! Then Shawn came and plucked it off (: After that, Honey said something like, "So stupid, I held the packet of salt in my hand. & when there was an emergency, I couldnt open it." HAHAHA. & whe I fell while trekking cos she told me that funny thing. You know what that funny thing was? When she was young, she got a pea stuck in her nose HAHAHAHAHA. The funnier part is that! Her dad used pliers to get it out! The even funnier part is that!! Honey actually stuffed the pea up her nose herself!! HAHA! & we laughed even more after I fell cos I was laughing so hard. Hahahahaha. We laughed so much during this whole camp! & when we wanted to ask Candce if she knew that this person liked her. Honeywas like, "Lyanne, you wanna ask her?" & I said "But does she know?" HAHAHA I didnt realise anything wrong, I asked twice la. Then I laughed so hard after I realised what was wrong. & Fer was like, "If I were a girl, I would fall for ____" HAHAHA she is a girl man!!! HAHAHA. & one of the jungle laws was that we should call each other by our real names. So, my jungle name was....... Bubble fish. Haha! They said I look like a fish! HAHA I am a fish :D Honey says the was they say it is like, bubbole fish. Kinda like, bubboh fish. Hahaha! They way she says it is damn funny. Hahahaha!


Okay you know what, I'm feeling much better already so I'm gonna stop typing. Aww, now I feel less of.. Oh man, I miss OBM so much :'( & more of.. Aww, I had so much fun at OBM, I enjoyed myself there (: But duh I still miss it la! Just not in the I-wanna-cry way. Whoo! I feel happy :D

OH OH OH! Okay I'm listening to SOS by Rihanna now. & I thought of Racoon's singing. HAHA the guys sung the starting of SOS. It was so funny! I almost fell while trekking again la! They were like, lalala lalala lalala oh. HAHAHA so funny okay I'm laughing to myself now. & there's this girl in my group, we call her Joo. Racoon sang this to her. In the tune of You're Beautiful. SO FUNNY HAHAHA.

You're beautiful, you're beautiful, you're beautiful, it's fake.
I saw your face in the toiletbowl,
& I dont know what to do.
So I sit & shit on you.
Hahahahahaha the last part is funny.

You know what has been stuck in my head? If you went for OBM I'm sure it's stuck in your too. "Spirit of love, toil & sacrifice. Spirit of love, toil & sacrifice. Spirit of love, spiiirit of loveeee." & "I've got OB spirit ........ " & the Malaysia national anthem & RACOON'S SONG! Hahahaha (:

OH YAY I feel happy now (: Hahahaha okay after I reached home, NatLim came over! :D Xt came after a while. We took a pictures with my webcam. We FREAKED OUT cos there was this freaking FACE which totally didnt look like any of us!! We screamed & ran. But we didnt know where to go do we just sat on my bed. At first I didnt realise something was wrong. I still happily went "Eh look! There's a face!" HAHA how stupid of me. We prayed & talked to "it". Wanna see the picture? Here it is. Dont freak out, read on!!

It's like, we were trying to make ourself feel better by saying it's like, Nat. But! The thing was that! The face had no fringe! & it didnt look like Nat! Neither did it look like me! Plus! Nat wasnt looking at the camera! The face was totally looking straight la! It was taken in my room, & it was on Nat's face. We were soooo scared. Freaky? FREAKY. We were shit scared. Haha! I showed my parents & stuff, I wanted to cry man. In my room la!! ): Then I showed my sis & guess what, she solved the mystery of the mysterious face. HAHA it's Nat -_- Somehow, her face from the previous photo we took came out in the next photo. Here's the previous photo!

Seee! It's her la HAHAHA. So funny, you know what we said to "it" which wasnt even there? "If you are here, please go away. If you wanna stay, please dont let me know that you're here. Please dont do anything to me, I didnt do anything to you. If I have, I'm really sorry, I didnt mean it. I'm sorry." HAHAHAHA I felt so stupid -_- But like, even though I know it's nothing, I still dont really dare to look at the photo. It looks scary : /

Hahaha okaaaaaaaay, shit I dont like long posts ): This post is !@#$% long! OKAY BYE!

24 hours ago I was wondering how it was like to be sitting in my room & using my computer. & now I'm doing that!! I cant believe I'm home! OBM's over :'( At first, we were all totally dreading OBM la. But now, I MISS OBM!!!! Rahhh. It was so fun (: But at least now I've got an almost never ending supply of tissue, clean toiletbowls which I can actually sit on, soft clean beds I can lie on without feeling itchy / uncomfortable / dirty. Oh man ):

My group was called Beremban. I love my group (: 10 STC girls, 1 Christ Church girl & 4 Malaysians. There were 3 guys in my group, they're so gay hahahahaha. But they're really funny & nice (: Aww, I miss them already. One looks like a racoon, another like a catfish & another like a reindeer. I'm serious!! Hahaha.

The guys in my group. Reindeer, racoon & catfish. HAHAHA.

Told you they were gay -_-


Racoon & Reindeer playing the scissors paper stone thing HAHA. I like this picture :D

I swear I hate monkeys now. EEEEE!

My bed (:

The 1st few days of camp was like.... Shit! Totally wanted to go back home. I cried during our first meal there. I was already homesick!! HAHA. But after a while, like somewhere around the 4th day of camp, things got fun fun FUN :D Laughing gas! Couldnt stop laughing!! All the laughing started cos we were trying to find out what animal each guy looks like. HAHA sardine, ostrich, polar bear, roasted duck, blah blah. REALLY LOOKS LIKE!!!

Sea expedition was quite fun la. The practice was !@#$% though. Joy & I got stung by jellyfish. We were shit scared la. Only the both of us were in the water cos of that stupid capsize drill. She got stung on her arm & I got stung on my ankle & finger. RAHH I got stung first. I cried like, damn alot. HAHA I was like, in shock or something. At that point I seriously wanted to go home ): The next day was the real thing. Thank God we didnt capsize. I like kayaking but yeah HAHA nvm. Kayaked to some island, camped there for a night, kayaked back the following day.

Jellyfish sting! So painful so painful ):

The next day, we had solo camp ): Mr Francis that liar, told me there wont be solo camp! >:( But nvm, solo camp wasnt exactly a solo camp for Joy, May Yong & I. After I pitched my tent & stuff, I sat down & started writing to Jo. Then this stupid monkey came from beside me & I got a shock la walao! Started crying & I screamed for May Yong. Packed my stuff & went to her area. Joy came too HAHA! What a solo camp man. & we cant start a fire for nuts haha! We told the instructor & he gave us oreos instead HAHA! Damn monkey took my food, the next morning, it took Joy's. Oh & the 3 of us squeezed into 1 tent, aiyoooh.


The next day, land expedition! Tiring laaa!! Trekked for like, 8 hours with the silly big and heavy bag with the stupid big bottle of water & tent sheet & food & our stuff. RAHH. 4 peaks, up down up down up down up down. I fell like, 9 times HAHA. Some were cos I was laughing / talking. I remember once I fell cos Honey told me some thing really funny & I started laughing. I told her I'm gonna laugh till I roll & half a second later I was on the groud, cos I fell. Hahahaha! Left OB at 9+, reached the campsite at around 5+. It was our last expedition & our last night out! ): & our tent was beside the guy's. So we stayed up a little longer & talked. Saw fireflies & many stars :D But we saw alot more insects hahaha. Trekked back to OB using a shorter route.

The next day, cultural visits! It was okay la, not that boring! Haha yeah. Honey, Fer & I bought this cute fish shirt for like, 5RM la! HAHA. Barbecue night was fun (: Some cried, I didnt.

Candice is from Malaysia!

Beremban save the day :D

The next day, which was the last day, was such a sad sad day ): I cried so much la. I miss camp & my group members & instructors & everything there already ): Sigggggh hahaha.

Boat trip to Pangkor Island!

Racoon's Roxy bag -_- He says it belong to his mum, no idea why he was carrying it HAHA.

At the temple!

My instructor said we trekked that high up!

The same shirt! :D

Trying to be fish!

Not pointing the 3rd finger! This it the talking cock sign HAHA. Learnt it from the guys.

They look so funny hahaha!

YES! Haha.

I dont know. Haha!

They were dancing. I think. Haha!


Ruiwei & I with the animals!

Our last night ):

Our shirts :D

Racoon & I. He looks like the racoon from Over The Hedge!

Ferrrrrr! Her expressions are so funny!!

Racoooon! Dont know what we were doing to him. Haha!


The present Honey, Fer & I gave to Reindeer HAHA. Cos he looks like it.

To Catfish! This is soooo totally like him la! His mouth is always open HAHA.

& this is for Racoon!

Catfish looks so much better with these glasses! His are ROUND!

Remember this? Now it's like, so sad :'(

Collecting my cert

Kayaked with him after Joy puked! Haha. This photo was taken while I was crying : /

EEEEE TSK. I really miss camp alot alot alot ): I wanna cry again :'( So saaaaad!! I wouldnt mind going back there with the same group la. I just dont really want the bus trip. Rahh. I need to go to Sentosa soon. My tann is disgusting ): It's like a tshirt tann la. Ah ah ah I miss caaaaamp I miss camp I miss camp. I miss Syafri Racoon Catfish Reindeer Mujib Candice blah blah blah. & laughing gas, BEREMBAAAAAN. Waaaaah okay nvm nvm nvm. The more I talk / think about it the worse I feel. Stop it Lyanne!

Byebye Outward Bound Malaysia, Lumut.

Oh gosh, this post is freaking long. & it has so many photos : / I wanna play pool today but suddenly I feel like staying home. I wanna play pool at home! Why cant I have a pool table at home. Haha rah, if only I could play pool at Warren. Tsk! Nvm, just a few more monthssss!

AHHHH I'm talking to racoon online now. I miss camp I miss camp I miss camp :'( I can like, cry again. So sad, I really miss camp alot omg. I keep thinking about it la. HAHA okay stop it. I feel so stupid.